Posted by: jottertree | March 12, 2010

A Dangerous Creature in the Woods

Today, whilst on a walk with Sarah Jane, we were exploring paths in the woods and we may or may not have been a little lost. All of a sudden we just came across a potentially dangerous creature guarding the path. He was positioned in the exact center making it impossible for us to get by him. This creature wash huge, if not as large, nearly as large as my head. This was, by far, the largest toad either of us have ever seen. Though merely a toad, it was large enough to induce fear in both of us. It was swelled up and could easily could have been hiding two softballs in its stomach. We bushwhacked our way around it (just incase it had fangs) and were then able to see this beast from the front. Never before have I seen anything so rotund. It’s times like these that I wish I had a camera connected permanently to my body, for then I could show you just how huge it was.


  1. Its a good thing you two stayed clear. those toads can tear a limb off.

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